Monday, January 9, 2017

Bridal Party Bouquets

If you're in the bridal party, please don't read this post--I really want to surprise you!

If not, proceed. :)

So, I started making the bouquets and boutonnieres for the bridal party! They look SO GOOD!!! I've gotten great deals on flowers from Walmart, Dollar Tree, and and making your own bridal party actually seems like a really great way to go! I found this amazing video on how to do it on youtube.

I've been following this to make mine and they've turned out really well! They're super cute and I'm very excited! I've only done three so far, but I love them all so much! <3 <3 <3 

Me making the handle for one of the bouquets! 

I've been super excited to do this for a long time, so when I finally got to start this weekend, I was super pumped! Can't wait for everyone to see them! 

1 comment:

  1. Different colors and styles of bridal party bouquets are really very appealing. My friend is organizing a bridal shower party for her sister next month at one of extraordinary event space in our city. Will surely share this idea of bouquets with her.
