Winter break was really great--and busy!
It started with my mom coming to visit. It was wonderful to get to see her and spend some quality time together. We did a lot of things while she was down--she took a dance class at the dance studio Josh and I have been going to, Fred Astaire Dance Center in Chandler. We went to several of the bookstores she loves to go to when she comes out here, we saw Moana at Studio Movie Grill (we love that place. You can eat food and watch a movie at the same time!) and we played the board game Ticket to Ride a lot! She was reluctant at first, but soon learned to love it. We also went out to eat several times.
I posted this picture on FB and I got more likes on it than I did on my engagement pictures! Mom wants to learn to dance and get good for my wedding! <3 |
L-R Daniel, David (Josh's Dad), Cherri, Dale, (Cherri & Dale are our friends. They're together.) Cynthia (Daniel's girlfriend), Me, Patrick, Karen (Josh's Mom), Sharon (my mom), and Josh. At Baffled Escape Rooms, about to do the Nuclear Meltdown escape room. |
They gave us a little extra time and we eventually made it out... :) |
We played a round of Catan while mom was here--she loves that game, and so do we! |
We went to see Moana at Studio Movie Grill! It was wonderful! One of the things mom really wanted to do while she was here. |
Also, Cynthia proposed to Daniel!
Just kidding. I posted the video on Facebook to try to get everyone to believe it... some people did. It was just a Christmas present though. :/
Mom doesn't have an IHOP in PA, so we took advantage of visiting the one near us while she was here! |
Right towards the end of mom's visit, my cousins, Nathan and Madison came out for a visit! I then rode back with them for a few days to CA for a visit out there. It was so nice to see my friends and family out there for a bit.
I took Madison to go get her first Boba Tea! |
When we got to CA, dad took me out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants from my childhood, Chris n' Pitts! I have so many memories there. |
Got some Starbucks with Aunt Amy! |
Hung out with the family and made a video of Susanna's dress for the woman who is going to help finish it up! |
Hung out with my dear friend Lynae for the last time in awhile as she is going off to Minot University. :( This picture was taken right after we both realized that we are both obsessed with James Franco. <3 |
We went and had some Boba Tea at my childhood haunt, Bobaloca. |
Had a wonderful dinner at the Lozano's house! L-R Aunt Lizy, Madison, Uncle Angel, Sarah, William (Sarah's boyfriend), Nathan, Dad, Nga (my stepmom), me, Vy, and Darian. |
Nga treated us all to massages and facials! It was a wonderful, relaxing experience! <3 L-R Sarah, Aunt Kathy, Nga, Madison, me |
Before leaving, had a nice dinner with Aunt Lizy, Dad, and Darian. |
We wanted to go see a movie, so we saw the new Jack Reacher movie. It was a good action film. :)
Took this picture before racing off to the airport to make my flight! |
I then took a flight back to AZ, for the remainder of the break. We hung out with Josh's family almost every day! It was wonderful to get to spend time with some who we so rarely see!
We did a Saw themed escape room with Josh's family that was a lot of fun! We made it out with around 20 minutes to spare! They said we weren't the fastest to escape that room, but we were the 2nd fastest! We were super impressed with our mad skills! L-R Back Row: Adam, Kyle, me, Styles, Daniel Front Row: Katelin, Joelle, Josh, Nadia, Chris (Daniel's friend) |
In the parking lot, we took a pic of everyone who was in the bridal party who was present! It was so nice to get to hang out with so many of them at once! |
We went to Culinary Dropout after and Daniel, Chris and I played giant Jenga! |
Josh & I's Christmas Eve pic! We spent Christmas Eve at Josh's sister Joelle's brother-in-law and his (now fiance, as of Christmas!) Jenn's house. We did a white elephant exchange. My present was a "Seduction Kit." It was a big it! I could tell because no one wanted it... lol We also did a gingerbread house competition. The "Trump Wall" was a major theme this year. |
We spent Christmas at Joelle's in-law's house. We had a nice dinner, and then we went to go see Arrival, since it was Nadia's birthday.
We got to go out for a nice dinner with Joelle and Adam! So nice to have some quality time with them! |
In the name exchange we did with Josh's family, Adam got our name! He got me Beauty & the Beast on blue ray, and Josh a new game called Dominion. I was very reluctant to play at first, and then I figured it out! We have all been obsessed with it ever since (especially me!) |
In other news, I quit my job with the call center on Friday to start my student teaching, which I did today! I had been at the job for four years. I had my good times and bad, but I did feel a little sad leaving everyone. I had given my two weeks notice, so it was ok.
Today, I started my student teaching in a 7th grade social studies classroom. I can't begin to explain how terrified I was before beginning it to you! Today was pretty chill however, which was nice. I mostly just observed, and walked around, talking to students. It's a very student centered, hands on learning classroom, so I'm going to have to get creative this semester with lessons!
It might not be so bad though. I already have some ideas for lessons I can do!
One thing that is super daunting is this insane pile of paperwork that I have to read! Seriously, it's like a novel. Sadly, it's not very interesting and not very informative. So much of it is filler info, about how this is a learning experience, what not to do (dress inappropriately, or have inappropriate relationships with the students), how we can get kicked out of the program, etc. I have not yet found the page that explains what we need to do (assignments), details on the assignments, and when they are due. Not entirely sure I will find this, it's pretty confusing, but I have to conqueror reading this beast sooner or later, so yeah...
Everyone asks how wedding planning is going... slowly is the answer! Josh and I couldn't agree on what to do about centerpieces. I wanted to hand make all of them, he wanted to just have the ones that are included in our all inclusive package. We decided to table (ha!) the issue.
My childhood friend, Lynese, got engaged a month or so ago. I got her, my friend Jennifer, who also recently got engaged, and myself all really cool "Bride-to-be" memory books so that we can keep track of the experience of being engaged. I think that's pretty cool.
I found so many things on Etsy that I just love! A Cinderella carriage card holder, a "Be Our Guest" Beauty & the Beast guest book, adorable Cinderella garters, and ring bear pillows. Ug, but I shouldn't be telling you all this!
Also, I have been SUPER EXCITED because I have an AMAZING IDEA for the Princess in Waiting bouquets! I can't tell you, you have to be surprised, but I am brilliant.
I started working on what I hope will be the program for the wedding! Something else I shouldn't tell you, but I'll give you a hint: It's musical themed! :D
Anyhoo... Josh just got home, so I'm going to get going! TTYL!